19 Mar

Are both of these Giants Auto Makers giving up ?

Jasper Morison's Blog

Observing the shortcomings of fully electric vehicles, both the giants automaker Nissan and Toyota has decided to pack up the program of rolling out fully electrical vehicles. Toyota was the first company to take a step for abandoning the plans of electric vehicles.

Takeshi Uchiyamada Now the Vice Chairman of Nissan Takeshi Uchiyamada who is often known as “The Father of Prius” disclosed that by viewing the shortcomings of fully electric vehicles on the grounds of driving range, cost and recharge time, Nissan would follow the Toyota’s footstep and abandon all the plans of electric veh
icles. He also stated that we need something better and new.

Both companies Toyota and Nissan agreed that Japanese Automakers should concentrate on fuel cell oriented cars that will convert hydrogen to electricity. This process will continue until more efficient and affordable batteries become available.

On the other hand, American President Obama is focusing on “

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